
Our Featured Charities

We believe the good that men do will live long after they are gone.

St Jude Children’s Hospital

st jude children's research hospital is a charity for mossy oak's fox hole shootout

Founded in 1962 by Danny Thomas, St. Jude Children’s Hospital is the leading pediatric treatment and research hospital for catastrophic childhood diseases. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, with affiliate hospitals around the world, St. Jude does not charge any family for the cost of their child’s care, and freely provides their treatment protocols to hospitals around the world. Due to their efforts, the cure rate on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia has improved from 4% in 1962 to 94% presently.

Catch a Dream

catch a dream is a charity for mossy oak's fox hole shootout

For children battling life-threatening diseases, the respite of the great outdoors is sometimes the best medicine. Since 2000, Catch-A-Dream has provided once in a lifetime hunting and fishing trips for children under the age of 18 that are battling life-threatening illnesses. Over 619 children and counting have participated in these life changing hunts that have been facilitated by this wonderful organization and their support from the outdoor community.

Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement

sportsmen organized for law enforcement is a charity for mossy oak's fox hole shootout

Today, law enforcement officers find themselves cast in a negative light. The mission of Sportsmen Organized for Law Enforcement (SOLE) is to change that narrative, while raising funds for three established law enforcement charities that provide support and assistance to fill the void in funding and supplies many law enforcement agencies find themselves facing on an increasing basis.

Gamekeeper Grants

Gamekeeper Grants is dedicated to funding conservation projects that protect and preserve the habitat
and wildlife that call it home. We believe that through strategic investments in conservation projects,
we can make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of the critters we love to pursue. We are
committed to supporting organizations and individuals who work to protect, research, and restore
habitat and wildlife for future generations.